A Introduction
This subject comprises of basic information of computer and
programming language. As the name of the subject implies its
just an introduction so there will be no hard topics.

B About the course
The course of computing comprises of history of computers and
programming language. History of computers cover 30% of the
total course. It include the beginning of computers,and its evolution
through different ages. It also contains: modern computers,micro
computers, different component of micro computer, different type
of input and output devices. This part is totally theoretical and have
no numerical (besides different small conversions of binary to
decimal, hexadecimal number system and vice versa).
Second part of the course comprises of programming language
FORTRAN (90%) and BASIC (10%). The very most important thing in
this part is the understanding of various commands of Fortran
and to make different type of program using different type of

C How to study
The first part, which is theoretical is completely for
learning, which in common language is known as"rote
learning", but the interesting story of computers, that how
basic computing structures comes to modern form, and what
changes had gradually made, grabs the attention of the student.
The second part, which is of programming, needs full attention
and concentration of student during class, and it is also necessary
to review lectures of programming before starting of class.
The book which is referred to be as text book is" Byte by Byte
Structured Fortran" you will find every solution of the problem
that you face. Its an amazing book, and any student who will go through it along with taking the classes , will not find any difficulty throughout the year.
I hope that you will have a successful year ahead, an academic session full of fun and knowledge, and I hope that the struggles of Arif Samoon benefits you.

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