For Engineering Drawing-2, read the theory first, because it gives you basic knowledge and clarify your concepts.
EDDI consists of two main parts.
A Architecture Drawing
B Structural Drawing
A Architectural Drawing
- It consists of plan, cut section, elevation and site plan.
- Making a plan is very simple because you are provided all the dimensions and only have to draw that.
- Problem in drawing is the height/elevation of the floor. It could be easily find as given below:
Height of floor= | N.G.L+ Elevation of FFL(Plinth level)+Sill Height + Height of window + Height of lintel (if any) + Height of beam + Slab thickness. |
Lintel Height= | Sill Height + Height of Window |
(See Figure No.7-1,7-2 Page no.17 Workbook)
4. For elevation and cut sections use book Engineering Drawing with Auto CAD 2000 By T.Jeya Provan.B Structural Drawing
Prepare structural drawing as given below:
- Under ground water tank.
- Over head water tank.
- Stair case
- Electrical and plumbing layout
- Plinth beam plan
- Slab framing plan
- Beam profile
- Foundation and column
- Flexible and rigid pavement
- Urban and rural road intersection
- Always attempt theory question first because it gives you solid marks in short time.
- Attempt those questions which have only one part because the questions which have two parts may be easy but will take too much time and you will be unable to complete your paper.
U.G.W.T. and O.H.W.T.
- Staircase
- Plumbing and Electrical Layout
- Pavement Cross section
- Road Intersection
- Plan of 240,400,600 Sq. yards bungalow.
EDDII is much easier as compared to first year drawing. There are only 20 drawing sheets to make. With proper practice from start, you can attempt the whole paper and good marks as well.
About the Author
Usama Fareed is a Second Year student in Urban Engineering. He is also the editor of this blog.
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